Web Page Production Guide

1: Customizing the CADViewer window

This page describes the scope and use of the applet parameters that control the CADViewer window itself. The parameters can be defined either within the <Applet> ...</Applet> or in the *.cfg file.

CONTENTS: Picking what kind of viewer to display

Setting the height and width of the viewer window

Entering the name and location of the initial image

Viewing/Hiding Redline tool bar

Hiding the Action tool bar

Build customed Action tool bar


PARAMETER -- Picking which kind of viewer window to display
PURPOSE: Allows you to either embed the CADViewer in an existing Web page or to open it in a separate Web page.
VALUE OPTIONS: Enter this parameter with a value of "panel" to embed the viewer in a Web page.
RESULT: If you want the CADViewer window to be embedded in a Web page, enter this parameter as shown above. If this parameter is omitted from the applet code, the CADViewer will appear in a separate, stand-alone window in front of the "source" Web page.

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PARAMETER -- Setting the height and width of the area a CADViewer occupies in a host HTML file
PURPOSE: Allows you to resize the amount of space a CADViewer would occupy in a Web page. Useful if you are forcing the CADViewer to appear in a separate window instead of the host HTML file window.

*cfg: Not Available
VALUE OPTIONS: In each of the two values -- height and width -- enter the desired amount, in pixels.
RESULTS: If these parameters are present, the full CADViewer applet will be resized according to your preference.
TIPS: These parameters operate separately from the HEIGHT and WIDTH values that appear in the <APPLET> tag. Those values determine the actual size of the window. These parameters should be included if the CADViewer window is to be displayed as a separate window, outside of the Web browser. In this case, enter "10" for each of the two values. This will reduce the empty gray area that appears in the Web page where the applet code is located.

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PARAMETER -- The file name and location of the image that is initially displayed when the CADViewer is first opened.
PURPOSE: Allows you to specify the drawing that appears when this CADViewer is first displayed. Useful if you want to link a particular drawing to this viewer.
*cfg: Not Available
VALUE OPTIONS: If the viewer is to be embedded in a Web page, this parameter should include an image file pathway. The value of this parameter must include the file name and extension -- unless the format parameter is used). The extension is used to select the drawing format.

The pathway should be entered correctly. If you enter, for example, a value of "drawing1.dwf", the CADViewer will look for a "drawing1.dwf" file in the same directory as the source HTML page. If you store the target drawing in another directory, be sure to include the complete pathway.
RESULT: If this parameter is present, the CADViewer will display this image when the viewer is first opened.
TIPS: Be careful what you type! Upper- and lower-case letters are considered by the CADViewer when looking for a file name; "mydrawing.dwf" is not treated the same by CADViewer as "myDrawing.dwf".

The file path can also be relative to the server root. This is useful when the HTML file is not in the same directory as the drawing or when the HTML file is generated dynamically by a cgi script. If, for example, the drawing resides at this location on the server--
you could enter this parameter in the following way:
<parameter name="name" value="/cad/drawings/drawing1.dwf">

The first "/" in the value indicates that the pathway is relative to the root of the Web server.

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PARAMETER -- Viewing the Redline tool bar from view
PURPOSE: If defined, this parameter will instruct CADViewer to have the Redline toolbar display on the left handside vertically -- otherwise Redline toolbar will be displayed horizontally when the redline button is pushed.
EXAMPLE: <param name="redlinetool" value="vertical">
*.cfg: redlinetool=vertical
VALUE OPTIONS: "vertical" is the only avaible value
RESULT: If this entry is present, the Redline toolbar will be display vertically and enable all the time.
TIP: If you want to prevent users from marking up an image file in any manner, do not include this parameter or the line "toolbaricon=redlines;redlines.gif" in the *.cfg file.
PARAMETER -- Hiding the Action tool bar from view
PURPOSE: If used, this parameter allows you to hide the Action tool bar -- if you do not want this feature to be available to your users or you want to customize the buttons in the html format.
EXAMPLE: upper_toolbar=disable
VALUE OPTIONS: There can be only one value -- "disable". If you want to enter "no", there will be no effect. You should either enter this parameter with "yes" or omit this parameter from the applet or do not include any line starting with "toolbaricon" in the *.cfg file.
RESULT: If this entry is present, the CADViewer will hide the Action tool bar.
TIP: You can build your customized action toolbar using *.cfg file or Javascript API
PARAMETER -- Build a customed Action tool bar with zoom and pan buttons
PURPOSE: If defined, each parameter allows you to add a button to the Action tool bar.
EXAMPLE: Not Available
*.cfg: toolbaricon=Zoominout;dynamiczoom.gif
VALUE OPTIONS: Button can be added using the "toolbaricon=" in the *.cfg file.
RESULT: The action tool bar contains only 4 buttons
TIP: You can build your customized action toolbar using *.cfg file or Javascript API

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1: Viewer-specific parameters | 2: Drawing-specific parameters | 3: Server-specific parameters