ActionUnits_scaledCoordPoints() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Exports the current units, as a vector in scaled coordinate points
ActionUnits_screenCoordPoints() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Exports the current units, as a vector in screen coordinate points
ActionUnits_UnitsName() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Exports the current units name
AddActionListener(RemoteListener) - Method in class ViewerApplet
AddDotMarker(int, int, int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Adds a filled circle in location (x,y) with radius rad and color (r,g,b) on layer layerName.
AddDotMarker(int, int, int, int, int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Adds a filled circle in location (x,y) with radius rad and color (r,g,b) on layer layerName, optionally send to back.
addHyperlinkListener(HyperlinkListener) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Add a hyperlink listener to CADViewer component The listener will be called once the user triggers a hyperlink in the diagram.
AddKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class ViewerApplet
addRedlineListener(RedlineListener) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Add a redline listener to CADViewer component
AddTextMarker(int, int, int, int, String, int, int, int, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Adds a text object location (x,y) with height h and color (r,g,b) on layer layerName.
AddTextMarker(int, int, int, int, String, int, int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Adds a text object location (x,y) with height h and color (r,g,b) on layer layerName, optionally sends to back.
AllLayersOff() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Turns all layers off
AllLayersOn() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Turns all layers on
APIcommandCurrentlyActive() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Checks if an API command is currently executed and in progress This command is used for Java Script core to check if a given command has been executed, as Java and Java Script is not synchronized.
APIKeyCodeEvent(int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
APIKeyCodeEvent; key events trapped in HTML can be passed over to CADViewer
apiModuleAdapter - Variable in class ViewerApplet


BWBackground() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Change background to black and white


centerViewOn(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Center the view with width, height at location x,y
centerViewOn(double, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Center the view at location x,y with a zoom factor
centerViewOn_DWG(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Center the view with width, height at location x,y in DWG coord.
centerViewOn_DWG(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Center the view with width, height at location x,y in DWG coord.
centerViewOn_DWG(double, double, double) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Center the view at location x,y in DWG coord with a zoom factor
centerViewOn_DWG(double, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Center the view at location x,y in DWG coord with a zoom factor
centerViewOnWorldWindow(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Center the view with width, height at location x,y in world coordinates (internal coordinate system)
CenterViewport_Percentage(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Center the view with percentage width, height at location x,y in percentage of world coordinates (internal coordinate system)
ChangeBackground() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Change Background method
ChangeObjectNodeColor(int, Color, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Change the color of an Object Node
ChangeObjectNodeColor(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Change the color of an Object Node
ChangeTextOnLayer(String, String, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Change a specified text objects on a list of layers
CheckDefinedCompressedData(byte[]) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Checks if a byte array is a compressed DWF file, result is printed in java console
CleanVectors() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Clean system vectors
Collaborator() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Activate the interactive Collaborator method
ColorLayers(String, String, String, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Sets the color of a list of layers
ConvertHexStringtoInt(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Converts a hex number to int; help method for use with color settings
CopyFile() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Sets the checkJavaScriptEventThread.SetSaveFile();
CopyFile(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Copies the current file into a new file,
CopyFile_() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Sets the checkJavaScriptEventThread.SetSaveFile();
copyright - Static variable in class ViewerApplet
CountingOnOff() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Activates the interactive method to count objects on the canvas
CreateTargetSymbol(String, String, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Create a Target symbol:
CurrentViewport() - Method in class ViewerApplet
CurrentViewport; returns the coordinate of the current viewport
CustomFunction(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
CVwait(int) - Method in class ViewerApplet


DeleteCount() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Removes the last count symbol from canvas
DrawingExtents() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Drawing Extents; calcluate the extents of the drawing
DrawOneObject(WidgetObjectNode) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Private method
DrawTooltip(String, Event) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Private method


fileName - Variable in class ViewerApplet
fileType - Variable in class ViewerApplet
FillAllPolylinesOnLayer(String, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Fills all polyline objects on a list of layers with a new color
FillAllPolylinesOnLayer(String, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Fills all polyline objects on a list of layers with a new color, redraw after fill can be turned on/off
FillPolylineOnLayer(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Fills a specific polyline object on a list of layers with a new color
FillPolylineOnLayer(String, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Fills a specific polyline object on a list of layers with a new color
FillPolylineOnLayer(String, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Fills a specific polyline object on a list of layers with a new color
FillPolylineOnLayer(String, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Fills a specific polyline object on a list of layers with a new color
FindTempDir() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Finds and returns a user specific temporary directory on the client.


GetAllObjectNodeAttributes() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Returns in a vector all attributes for all nodes
GetAllObjectNodeText() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Returns in a vector all text for all nodes
GetAllUrlScriptObjectNames() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Returns a string with all script objects that contains an Url/Hyperlink
GetAllWidgetsWithUrl() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Returns a string with all objects that contains an Url/Hyperlink
GetAllWidgetsWithUrlObjectNames() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Returns a string with all objects that contains an Url/Hyperlink
GetBackgroundColor() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get the current background color; the method returns a color object
getCenterX() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get current x coordinate of the screen
getCenterY() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get current y coordinate of the screen
GetCurrentURL() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get the Url of the current loaded file
getData(URL) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get byte array of data from a drawing via its URL
GetDwfWithAPIModifications(boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Capture screen view as a DWF:
GetExternalPrintDone() - Method in class ViewerApplet
GetFileURL() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get the Url of the current loaded file
GetFrame() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get the current Frame
GetFrame(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get the frame associated with a given file
getIsLicensed() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Application specific cryptographic classes - no public use
GetJavascriptCalled() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Ask CADViewer if a Javascript method has been called (development purposes)
GetLoadDone() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get the status from CADViewer if a file is loaded or not.
GetLoadStart() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get the status from CADViewer if a file has started to load or not.
getMessage() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Application specific cryptographic classes - no public use
GetMultiPagesArray() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get all multipages in the drawing
GetMultiPagesNames() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get all multipage names in the drawing
GetNamedView(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Display a specific named view
GetNextScreen() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Get Next Screen method
GetObjectNode(Event) - Method in class ViewerApplet
GetObjectNode_org(Event) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Private method
GetObjectNodeAmount() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Returns the amount of Object Nodes in the DWF drawing
GetObjectNodeAttributes(int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Returns in a vector all attributes associated with a given Object Node
GetObjectNodeColor(int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
GetObjectNodeList() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Returns in a vector the list of all Object Nodes and their graphical content as defined in the DWF drawing
GetObjectNodeList(int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Returns in a vector the graphical objects corresponding to a specific Object Node
GetObjectNodeListOnLayer(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Returns in a vector the graphical objects corresponding to a specific Layer
GetObjectNodeListPipe(int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Returns in a string the graphical objects corresponding to a specific Object Node
GetObjectNodeListPipe() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Returns in a string the list of all Object Nodes and their graphical content as defined in the DWF drawing
GetObjectNodeText(int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Returns in a vector all text associated with a given Object Node
GetObjectOnMouseOver(Event) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Private method
GetPageNumber() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get the current page number of the page that is displayed on the canvas
GetPages() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Activates the interactive Getpages method for multiple DWF page selection
GetPreviousScreen() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Get Previous Screen method
getPSICVLicenseKey() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Application specific cryptographic classes - no public use
getUnitsX() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get DWG X coordinate of the last mouse click
getUnitsY() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get DWG Y coordinate of the last mouse click
GetViewerControls() - Method in class ViewerApplet
GetViewerPanel() - Method in class ViewerApplet
getViewHeight() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get current view height
getViewHeight_DWG() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get current view height in DWG units
GetViews() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Activates the interactive GetViews method for DWF views selection
GetViewsList() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Returns a list with all views in the current page
getViewWidth() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get current view Width
getViewWidth_DWG() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get current view Width in DWG units
getWorldWindowHeight() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get current height of the screen in world coordinates (internal coordinate system)
getWorldWindowWidth() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get current width of the screen in world coordinates (internal coordinate system)
getWorldWindowX() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get current x coordinate of the screen in world coordinates (internal coordinate system)
getWorldWindowY() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get current y coordinate of the screen in world coordinates (internal coordinate system)
getX() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get X coordinate of the last mouse click
getX_DWG() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get DWG X coordinate of the last mouse click
getY() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get Y coordinate of the last mouse click
getY_DWG() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Get DWG Y coordinate of the last mouse click


HideAllObjectNodes() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Hide all object nodes
HideLayerSetInLayerCommand(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Hide a set of layers with a given prefix from within the layer command list of layers
HideOneObjectNode(int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Hide an Object Node


IsLayerOff(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Checks if a layer is off, returns true if the layer is off, false otherwise
IsLayerOn(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Checks if a layer is on, returns true if the layer is on, false otherwise


KeyEvent(Event) - Method in class ViewerApplet
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class ViewerApplet
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class ViewerApplet
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class ViewerApplet


LayerOffInteractive(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Call LayerOffInteractive
LayerOffInteractive(String, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Call LayerOffInteractive
LayerOffInteractive_ReleaseRemotely() - Method in class ViewerApplet
LinkShape(String, String, String, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
LinkShape(String, String, String, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
LinkShape(String, String, String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
LinkShape(String, String, String, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
LinkShapes(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet


MakeRedlineStickyNote() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Call MakeRedlineStickyNote
Measurement() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Activates the interactive Measurement method
MeasurementCalibrate() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Activates the interactive Calibrate method as part of the Measurement method
MeasurementScale() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Activates the interactive Scale method as part of the Measurement method


ObjectSearch() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Activate interactive Object Search method
OffLayers(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Turns off a list of layers
OnLayers(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Turns on a list of layers
OpenDrawingWithRedline(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Opens a drawing with a redline
OpenFile(byte[], String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Opens a file
OpenFile(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Opens a file
OpenFile() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Call the OpenFile method, depending on settings it will either open the local file-manager or load files from Server
OpenFile(byte[]) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Display a new drawing
OpenFile(URL) - Method in class ViewerApplet
OpenFile_() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Call the OpenFile method, depending on settings it will either open the local file-manager or load files from Server, finish with Garbage Collection
OpenFile_(URL) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Display a new drawing
OpenFilesOverlaid(String, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
OpenOverlayFile(String, boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
OpenOverlayFile(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
OpenOverlayFile(String, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet


Pan() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Activate interactive panning
PanDown() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Pan Down
PanLeft() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Pan Left
PanRight() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Pan Right
PanUp() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Pan Up
Print() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Call the Print method
Print(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the print method. - if parameter is active, calls the system print routine directly
PrintDirect(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the print method. - if parameter is active, calls the system print routine directly
PrintJsApi(String, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Adds a file to list to be batch printed


RedlineCircle() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline Circle method
RedlineCloud() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline Cloud method
RedlineColor(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
set the color of the current redline
RedlineDelete() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Redline Delete method
RedlineDeleteAll() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Redline Delete All method
RedlineEllipse() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline Ellipse method
RedlineFreehand() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline Freehand method
RedlineHexagon() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline Hexagon method
RedlineHighlight() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline Highlight method
RedlineLine() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline Lines method
RedlineOpenFile() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Open Redline method
RedlineOpenFile(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Open a redline file
RedlineOpenFile(String, boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Open a redline file in read only mode
RedlineOpenFile_() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Open Redline method
RedlinePolyline() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline Polyline method
RedlinePolyline_AddHyperlink() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline Polyline with Add Hyperlink
RedlinePolyline_AddHyperlink_ReleaseRemotely() - Method in class ViewerApplet
RedlinePolylineArrow() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline Polyline Arrow method
RedlineRectangle() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline Rectangle method
RedlineRectangle_AddHyperlink() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline Rectangle method with AddHyperlink
RedlineRectangle_AddHyperlink_ReleaseRemotely() - Method in class ViewerApplet
RedlineRedo() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Redline Redo method
RedlineSaveFile(String, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Save a redline file
RedlineSaveFile() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Save Redline method
RedlineSaveFile(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Save a redline file
RedlineSaveFile_() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Save Redline method
RedlineSaveFile_(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Save a redline file on the server determined with the 2ndURL applet parameter
RedlineSaveFile_2ndURL(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Save a redline file to a location on the server determined with the 2ndURL applet parameter
RedlineSelect() - Method in class ViewerApplet
RedlineSelectObject() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline Select Object method
RedlinesOn() - Method in class ViewerApplet
RedlinesOnOff() - Method in class ViewerApplet
RedlineText() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline Text method
RedlineThickness() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline Thickness method
RedlineThickness(int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
set the thickness of the current redline
RedlineTriangle() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline Triangle method
RedlineUndo() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Redline Undo method
RedlineURL() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Draw Redline URL method
RedlineURL_layerName(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
The interactive Draw Redline URL method can via the parameter: be enabled to set a layer name to which the redline is associated.
RedlineURL_selectLastDrawnRedline(boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
The interactive Draw Redline URL method can associated with the last drawn redline instead of going through a redline selection process
RedlineURL_Url(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
The interactive Draw Redline URL method can via the parameter: be enabled to set a layer name to which the redline is associated.
RedlineURL_Url_tooltip(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
The interactive Draw Redline URL method can via the parameter: be enabled to set a layer name to which the redline is associated.
RedoCount() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Redo the last count symbol on convas
Redraw() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Redraws the canvas, similar to the Java asynchronious call to repaint()
RedrawCanvas() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Redraw the current canvas; no change of zoom factor
RemoveDotMarker(int, int, int, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Remove a filled circle placed in location (x,y) with radius r on layer layerName.
RemoveFillAllPolylinesOnLayer(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Remove all fills
RemoveFillAllPolylinesOnLayer(String, boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Remove all fills, redraw controlled
RemoveUrlPolygonColor(int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Remove fills in polyline objects associated with an Url
RemoveUrlPolygonColor(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Remove fills in polyline objects associated with an Url string or substring
RepaintCanvas() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Redraws the canvas, similar to the Java asynchronious call to repaint()
ResetAll() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Resets all arrays - use to clear out content in CADViewer before opening a file
ResetAPIcommand() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Resets system variables for asynchronious calls to API commands.
ResetCurrentObjectNode() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Private method
ResetLayerSetInLayerCommand() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Resets the set of hidden layers from the layer command list of layers
ResetStickyNotesAndRedNotes() - Method in class ViewerApplet
RetrieveOffLayers() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Exports a list of off layers
RetrieveOnLayers() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Exports a list of on layers
RetrieveTextAndCoordinatesOnCurrentPage() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Retrive all Text objects with their coordinates within the current page of drawing
RetrieveUrlPageViewNamesOnCurrentPage() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Retrive all hyperlinks Page and View names within the current page of drawing
ReturnObjectNodeTextId(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Returns in a vector the number of an Object Node that contains a specific text string
Rotate(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Activate interactive Rotate method


SaveAndConvertDwfWithAPIModifications(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Export screen view as a DWF to the server, if parameter is set: On the server it is converted based on the settings in: and converted image is placed in:
SaveDwfWithAPIModifications(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Export screen view as a DWF to the server, if parameter is set:
SaveDwfWithAPIModifications(String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Export screen view as a DWF to the server, if parameter is set:
SaveDwfWithAPIModifications(String, String, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Export screen view as a DWF to the server, if parameter is set:
SaveStickyNotesRedlines() - Method in class ViewerApplet
screenToImage() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Export screen display to an image
screenToJpeg(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Export screen display to a jpeg image on the server
screenToJpeg() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Export screen display to a jpg image and output to a byte array
screenToJpegLocal(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Export screen display to a local jpg file
screenToJpegUserSize(int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Export screen display to a jpg image and saves it locally, returns the location of the file.
screenToJpegUserSizeAsByteArray(int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Export screen display to a jpg image and output to a byte array, the size of the jpg image is user controlled
screenToJpegUserSizeToServer(int, int, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Export screen display to a jpg image and saves it on the server The size of the jpg image is user controlled The location of the server side Script or Servlet is read in from the parameter: save_screenshot_to_url
screenToPngLocal(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Export screen display to a local png file
SearchText(String, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Searches and zoom in on a text object
Set_polylinesWithUrl_counter() - Method in class ViewerApplet
SetAllTextColorFontOnLayer(String, boolean, int, int, int, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Set a specified text objects color and font on a list of layers, controlled redraw
SetAppletParameter(String, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Sets the applet parameters dynamically
SetBackgroundColor(int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Set the current background color
SetColorLayers(String, String, String, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Sets the color of a list of layers
SetCVSecurityManager() - Method in class ViewerApplet
SetExternalPrintDone(boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
SetJavascriptCalled(boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Tell CADViewer that a Javascript method has been called (development purposes)
SetLayerColor(String, String, String, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Sets the color of a list of layers
SetLinkShapesValues(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
SetMaxCountJS(int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
max click count for VQ JS method
SetPageNumber(int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Set the current page number of the page for display
SetPageView(String, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Opens a given Page in the DWF with a set View
setPSICVLicenseResponse(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Application specific cryptographic classes - no public use
SetRedlineStickyNoteScaleFactor(double) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Controls the scale factor for the redline moveable notes default is 1.0, so a value of 10.0 will magnify the moveable redline box with a factor 10.
SetStatusStingJS(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Status message for JS methods
SetStickyNoteAssetID(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
SetStickyNoteUser(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
SetStickyNoteUserID(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
SetTextOnLayer(String, int, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Set a specified text objects on a list of layers
SetTextOnLayer(String, int, String, boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Set a specified text objects on a list of layers, controlled redraw
SetTextOnLayer(String, int, String, boolean, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Set a specified text objects on a list of layers, controlled redraw
SetTextOnLayer(String, int, String, boolean, int, int, int, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Set a specified text objects on a list of layers, controlled redraw
SetUrlAlternateText(int, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Sets the alternate highlight text for a hyperlink
SetUrlAlternateText(String, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Sets the alternate highlight text for a hyperlink, the hyperlink is searched based on a string expression that is a substring of the hyperlink.
SetUrlPolygonColor(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Fills polyline objects associated with an Url with a new color
SetUrlPolygonColor(String, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Fills polyline objects associated with an Url string with a new color
SetViewerApplet() - Method in class ViewerApplet
SetWaterMark(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Sets a custom defined watermark on the Canvas
SetWaterMarkColor(int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Sets the watermark color, overwrites settings done via the parameter interface
SetWaterMarkFontSize(int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Sets the watermark font size, overwrites settings done via the parameter interface
SetWaterMarkLocation_percentage(int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Sets the watermark location as percentage of canvas height, overwrites settings done via the parameter interface
ShowAbout() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Activate interactive Show About method
ShowAllObjectNodes() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Display all object nodes
ShowHelp() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Activate interactive Show Help method
ShowHideOneObjectNode(int, boolean, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Show or Hide an Object Node
ShowLayers() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Show Layers method
ShowOneObjectNode(int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Display an Object Node
start() - Method in class ViewerApplet
StartStopCounter() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Exports the count value out to the JavaScript method defined in the parameters, and resets the counter
stop() - Method in class ViewerApplet


TextSearch() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Activate interactive Text Search method
ToggleLayer(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Toggle a layer.If the layer is off, it is turned on.If the layer is off, it is turned on.
TurnALayerOn(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Turns a single layer on
TurnOffLinkShapes() - Method in class ViewerApplet
TurnPreloadedRedlinesOn() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Turn all preloaded redlines on, independent of redline icon menu is active or note


UndoCount() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Undo the last count action
UnlinkShapes(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
UpdateCanvas(boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Updates the canvas, similar to the Java call to update(g), if the paint method is free, update(g) will will execute paint(g)
UpdateCanvas() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Updates the canvas, similar to the Java call to update(g), if the paint method is free, update(g) will will execute paint(g)
UrlOnOff() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Calls the interactive Hyperlink On/Off method
UrlOnOff(boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Sets the Hyperlink highlight to either on or off
UrlOnOffColorDynamic(String, String, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Sets the Hyperlink dynamic highlight color
UrlOnOffColorStatic(String, String, String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Sets the Hyperlink static highlight color
UrlOnOffStatic(boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Activates alternatively deactivates static Hyperlink color


ViewerApplet - Class in <Unnamed>
ViewerApplet() - Constructor for class ViewerApplet


WaitForLoadDone() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Wait for LoadDone to finish.
WaitForRedraw() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Wait for Redraw to finish.


x_DWGtoDWF(double, double) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Converts a location in DWG coordinates to the corresponding location in DWF coordinates
xy_DWGtoDWF(double, double) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Converts a location in DWG coordinates to the corresponding location in DWF coordinates


y_DWGtoDWF(double, double) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Converts a location in DWG coordinates to the corresponding location in DWF coordinates


Zoom(double) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Zoom over a drawing with a given factor
ZoomExtends() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Zoom Extends; the extents on all visible layers are calculated and zoom onto
ZoomExtents() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Zoom Extents; the extents on all visible layers are calculated and zoom onto
ZoomExtents(String) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Zoom Extents; the extents on layers in a list are calculated and zoom onto
ZoomExtents(String, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Zoom Extents; the extents on layers in a list are calculated and zoom onto, but with a relative zoomfactor
ZoomIn() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Zoom In on drawing with a fixed factor of 20%
ZoomInOut() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Activate the interactive ZoomIn/ZoomOut method
ZoomOut() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Zoom Out on drawing with a fixed factor of 20%
ZoomRect() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Zoom by dragging a window
ZoomSmoothlyToExtents(String, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Zoom Smoothly to Extents; the extents on layers in a list are calculated and zoomed smoothly onto, but with a relative zoomfactor
ZoomWindow() - Method in class ViewerApplet
Zoom by dragging a window
ZoomWindow(boolean) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Zoom by dragging a window
ZoomWindow(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ViewerApplet
Zoom Window; zooms to a window defined with a lower left coordinate set, with width and height in database coordinates given, with a relative zoom factor