Highlighting areas

If the drawings have been polygonized and the areas uniquely identified, then CADViewer has the ability to select an area and highlight it graphically, using either a solid color fill or hatch pattern. Solid color fill tends to look better, but there are times that a hatch pattern can be preferable.

For instance, given a floor plan of a building with the various rooms outlined (polygonized) and assigned a unique identifier (usually the room name), the system could:

- Highlight all the rooms of a given organization
- Highlight the room with a given phone number and possibly the path used to get there
- Show all occupied rooms in one color and unoccupied rooms in a different color (and common areas in a third color)
- Show all rooms that have work orders outstanding or a certain type of equipment

The list can go on. Given access to appropriate data sources, the drawing and the data can be integrated so the end result yeilds much more feedback.

Counting block instances

It can be important to know how many items of a certain type are used in a given drawing. We provide two methods for counting block references: CADViewer’s Count Item feature and AutoXChanges Count Blocks feature.

CADViewer Count Items

Please refer to CADViewer Count Item feature in the CADViewer User Manual and CADViewer Online Samples.

AutoXChange Count Blocks

AutoXChange can count block references (instances where a block is used in the drawing) and produce a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file with the results. This facility is controlled using the JSON parameter file as the parameters are too complex for the command line. AutoXChange can count All Blocks (with each block listed separately), Blocks with a given name and Blocks with a given name and a given Attribute value. The parameters are described in detail on the JSON Count Blocks parameter page.

Retrieving and presenting data

The most flexible tool to retrieve and present data is our CADViewer. CADViewer provides API to do back-end connections with the main Databases to fetch and display data sources integrated with graphical content. See a few of our online demos, connecting and presenting data from MySql, DB2 and SQL Server.

Altering drawing data (block attributes)

Using the AutoXchange interface for JSON structured data, block attribute objects can be modified at run-time for display. This is very useful for modification of Title Blocks in PDF output, see our Online Sample and Documentation.

Updating drawing parameters

Through our two-way Connecting Technologies we can during runtime update any display setting of a given CAD Drawing. We provide placeholders so that application programmers can interactively connect their own backend with our CAD Tools, see the Online Sample and the Documentation.

Searching for text

CADViewer has an integrated Text Search feature that can pick up any textural object converted by AutoXchange 2020, please refer to the CADViewer User Manual and CADViewer Online Samples.

Creating keys or charts

Our AutoXchange rich command line interface allows us runtime to merge dynamic highlight object with data sources.

We directly combines AutoCAD DWG or DXF drawings with data from a multitude of data sources and produces customizable PDF reports. A single report can include drawings (currently DWG/DXF, but DGN, DWF and PDF are easily added) and/or data on each page. Data can be displayed in the form of tables or a multitude of types of charts. Currently data sources are MySQL databases or CSV (Comma Separated Value) files for sources like Excel.

Contact us for more information!

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