CADViewer Online Demo Resources

Upload your own drawings and test some typical CADViewer use-cases

Autonomous Space Objects

Autonomous Space Objects

Combine SVG Icon Objects with Text and place them on the CAD Canvas for dynamic control, animation and interaction.

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 Dynamic Modification of Title Block for PDF Output using JSON

Dynamic Modification of Title Block for PDF Output using JSON

CADViewer uses the JSON interface of AutoXchange 2024 to dynamically change content of Block Attributes in a Title Block for PDF output.

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CADViewer Redlines Overlay

CADViewer Redlines Overlay

Multiple overlay load of redlines are enabled. Links with AutoXchange for own server on-the-fly conversion control of CAD drawings and is set up for interactive modals for file-loading and redlines.

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CADViewer Redlines API

CADViewer Redlines API

Sample for embedding CADViewer in an encapsulating application. Redline handling of features such as locked users, hidden users, etc. are all Javascript API controlled. File and redline load/save are all done through API calls

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CADViewer Office 365 | SharePoint Integration

CADViewer Office 365 | SharePoint Integration

CADViewer SharePoint/MicroSoft 365 Integration: Seamless CAD access point to Sharepoint server. Builds navigational file tree over Sharepoint server folder content. Among others, allows sharing of redlined content via e-mail. Implements download and upload of redlines as well as translation to PDF of redline overlays.

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